Saturday, December 28, 2013

Saturday, December 28, 2013: `Round That Time of Year Again

I was hoping for a new server today on Eternal Saga, but it apparently seems to be cancelled or something happened to it. I can't find the post they made yesterday, so something might have gone wrong. But let's keep going, I want you to play this game because it is fun. Just join server 6 and add me as a friend. Well, bye.

Friday, December 27, 2013

Friday, December 27, 2013: Almost Year's End

It's been 13 days since I've posted on this blog. I guess I've been having too much "fun" playing an RPG. It's called Eternal Saga and I've been playing it for a while now. Click on the word to go to the homepage of the game. It's basically a browser RPG but more boring than most games. My parents are always screaming about all this garbage. They are so annoying and think they're always right. Asians... Anyways, I've been playing this game for a while, and you should join. I'm on server 6, and called IceShards if you want to friend me. You should join the guild ~BurningIce~, and I think that you should join the next server, which is server 28, starting tomorrow morning at 2 AM, Pacific Time. I'll add more tomorrow, bye.

Saturday, December 14, 2013

Saturday, December 14, 2013: Hee.

So, it's Saturday and I had to go to Chinese school. I have 3 school projects that are due next week, and that sucks. I'll work on it tomorrow. See ya.

Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Wednesday, December 4, 2013: At This Chinese Place

So, I'm at this place called Li Zhou in Fremont, CA. It's cold, so we went there. Anyways, it has pretty good service. Almost leaving and probably will go home and watch some Hong Kong drama. Bye.

Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Tuesday, November 26, 2013: Fun

Today wasfun. I went to the Westfield Mall and also went to the Cousin Cafe. There was a power outage there. It was kind of fun living like the past without energy.

Monday, November 25, 2013

Monday, November 25, 2013: Already Monday

Ha, It's the first real day of Thanksgiving break from school and I'm already failing. I don't know what to do, and that lead me to watch Caillou and Thomas and Friends. It's just sad not going to school. I always thought that some breaks from school would be great, but this is proving otherwise. Anyways, see ya.

Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Tuesday, November 19, 2013: My Phone Came

Guess what? My phone finally came. It's pretty slow, but it gets the job done. I'm typing this on my phone right now. Anyways, bye.

Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Wednesday, November 13, 2013: Quick Post, Then Back to Homework

Hey guys, right now, I'm going to post my draft of the speech my partner and I have to work on. Surprisingly, we could choose the topic of Pokémon, so we chose it. Maybe tell me what you think of it. It's probably very boring and terrible because we have a time limit for our speech for 4 minutes. Here we go.

What Does It Take to be Great? Advice to an Aspiring Pokémon Master

            Most of us know that feeling, we want to play a game, but you do not know how to play it well; or you just do not have a talent for that. Therefore, you give up. You like Pokémon. You like the anime series, card game, and the Pokémon video game. Well, all hope is not lost. With enough deliberate practice, repetition, and feedback from others, as stated in Geoff Colvin’s article, “What It Takes to be Great”, even complete rookies can become masters at the video game. We want to discuss with you how to be great at the Pokémon video game by putting Colvin’s suggestions to use.

            Before you can even get into Pokémon, you’ll need to know some background information about how the Pokémon franchise started, what it is, and some trivia. So how did Pokémon begin? The idea of Pokémon began with Satoshi Tajiri, because he enjoyed collecting insects as a hobby. (Satoshi is the name for Ash Ketchum in the anime series in Japan.) He gathered his friends and started a company called Game Freak, which almost became bankrupt. Pocket Monsters was previously called Capsule Monsters, but trademark issues made it become what it is known today.

            Now that you know some background information, we need to start discussing many main topics, such as…
                        Tactics: Abilities, Evolving, Types, and Battles
                        Pokémon Teams: Choosing Your Starter Pokémon

            Because of the time limit, we will only talk about basic Pokémon knowledge and choosing a starter Pokémon.
            The first thing we are going to talk about is Tactics. How do you want to play the game? Are you a casual player and do not exactly have a set way of battling, or do you have your own style? Some people enjoy battling by trying to get the opponent’s Pokémon to 0 HP first while others enjoy using moves like Leer and Growl to decrease the damage done to themselves and increase it for the opponent. This might take a little bit of experimenting, so this connects with Colvin’s opinion, to perform repetition until you have a set idea how you are going to do things.

            There are more things to tactics than you think. You still have to think about how your Pokémon will do in battle. Some try to take advantage of the type system, but others rely on pure power by being raising Pokémon to high levels to win battles. What is the type system? Well, it is a way to classify Pokémon. To give an example, normal type Pokémon, assuming they do not have two types, are weak to only fighting Pokémon moves, and are immune to ghost Pokémon moves. This might take some practice to get the hang of it, so you might have to battle wild Pokémon often and go to online forums to get this information. This connects with Colvin’s deliberate practice because you have to practice to get the hang of it.

            Evolving and abilities both are very confusing. Let us start with evolving. When your Pokémon reach certain levels or exposed to a certain evolution stone, they can evolve. However, there are good things about it such as, you get a better overall Pokémon, but you have to trade; if you do not evolve, the Pokémon will get better moves faster, but if you do evolve, you will have to wait for it to level up a lot for it to get the same move.
Abilities are skills that may help you in the game. They cannot change unless you evolve it. An example of this would be Pure Power. This ability doubles your attack stats, which is significant if you think about it. How might this connect with Colvin’s article? It connects because this takes repetition to understand. You might have to study by looking on websites like Bulbapedia, because there are over 170 abilities currently.

            Finally, we are going to talk about Pokémon teams. How do you choose your starter Pokémon? This choice will take the much thinking to decide. The Pokémon that you choose there will most likely be the one that is the most powerful overall out of all the Pokémon you will have. You will have to have a new mindset of approach. Maybe in the past you have been choosing all grass type Pokémon. You might want to choose some other Pokémon.

            To summarize, the Pokémon video game is a very competitive and you often have to keep in mind many things such as abilities and types. Pokémon can also evolve but you have to choose either better strength overall or better moves sooner. At the beginning of the Pokémon game, you can choose a starter Pokémon that will most likely be the most important Pokémon in your team later on. Remember, every Pokémon will have a weakness; it is how you compensate for that. If you try your best, get a new mindset, practice, and put in effort, although you might not have been born with the gift to be “the very best,” you too can be the Pokémon master.

So, what do you think? I have to get back on my mathematics homework so I'm going to leave. There's a break in two weeks, so I'll be fine. I wish school could be online. Like webcam chat so we could be in the comfort of our own homes and learn. Well, bye.

Thursday, November 7, 2013

Thursday, November 7, 2013: That Phone...

So, my phone's taking a while to ship. It's been about, two weeks? That's just sad. Well, bye.

Saturday, November 2, 2013

Saturday, November 2, 2013: Meh.

So, now what? Anyways, hello readers and I don't know why I'm even bothering to type this meaningless text.

Saturday, November 2, 2013: At McDonald's Again

So, I'm at that fast-food chain store once again. It's so addicting, almost everybody eats it these days. I purchased a phone on FreedomPop, but I don't know if I can actually get the phone. Okay, I'm confusing the viewers, so what I mean is that when I purchased it online, there was no invoice and said there was an error and said I didn't have an account. Yet, the payment was made on the credit card. This seems weird. I hope it arrives so it isn't a rip-off. However, since I did purchase it, if it doesn't ship, I might be able to contact customer service. I was sick these few days so I couldn't post at all. Also, I had homework, so that was another problem. I'm not going to explain how I was sick, but it sounds like diary-ugh. You get it? Yeah, you should. I hope you do. Anyways, I'm playing this game called Eternal Saga and I'm addicted. Completely addicted. I play the game to get presents now. That's stupid, but I do. I guess I'm getting crazy. Anyways, talk to you readers soon.

Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Tuesday, October 29, 2013: It's Taking Forever

Now, I'm right here doing homework at home. It's homework again. I'm doing this workbook chapter about "The Spread of Islam." So, I'm bored. I'm getting off-task already. What do I do about it? I blog. Yes, I blog. So, it's 4:42 PM now and I'm going to continue my homework. I'm going to pause this blog post for a few minutes. Ok, finished with the workbook and time... 4:52 PM! A new record, well, not exactly, but pretty fast, I guess. Now, on to the next one. French textbook thing, let's see, page 103, number 4. Ok, let me check the textbook now. Done with the French and the time, 5:13 PM. Good, it's all great. Just have mathematics homework left. I'm going to try not to procrastinate. Let's go. Ok, I am finished with all my homework, it's 5:45 PM now, so that took me... (calculating...) 53 minutes total. Whoa. That was less than expected. Great. Ok, so, that was okay, but I still wish Mondays wouldn't be so much of a problem. 4+ hours of homework compared to less than an hour on other days; that's just not very consistent. I wish homework would be more fun than it is now, but it's hard to do that. Maybe someone someday will create customized homework for every student based on their performance. Anyways, I'll post something soon. Bye.

Monday, October 28, 2013

Monday, October 28, 2013: Finished

Today, I completed all my homework. It took me about 4 hours, but that's common for Mondays. Usually I have two of these long homework days every week and every other day is about, let's see, 2 hours. It's normal for junior high, I guess. It kind of sucks, always having so much homework that I don't get to have my own time for things like watching anime shows. It sort of ruins your life and makes your life slowly become a routine. It's not good, but what can I do? I'm not a parent, an adult, or a teacher. I'm just another normal student. Teachers won't listen to our "garbage," but they don't exactly know how we feel. But I guess it's for the better, because most students are just plain lazy, but I don't feel I'm that lazy. After I'm 2 to 3 hours into homework, I start to lose focus. Now, once again, my parents are screaming at me for not taking a shower and talking back. I wasn't talking back. I am so sure that that is one of the most over-said phrase by parents. "You're talking back! STOP." your parents said. Ugh. So repetitive and predictable. I give up. I'm leaving! Bye...

Monday, October 28, 2013: Procrastination Kills

So I've reverted back to my old ways of procrastinating, a lot. It's 4:02 PM and I still have not started my homework, at all. Let me give you a moment of silence. La, la, la, la, la. La, la, la, la, la. La. La. Ok, that should be enough time. So it sucks. Anyways, I've noticed that I use the word "well" very often. Oh, and during these days, I've started the Pokémon: X & Y series in anime. So far, Ash (Yes, Ash all these years and he's still ten years old.) has gotten to the Kalos region and arrives at Lumiose City. (Here's a website so you can get something more in depth: So now, getting back, Ash has arrived and meets Clemont and Bonnie and they join on their adventure (like any other season and region.) He also meets a Froakie while battling Team Rocket (The antagonists in the episodes.) Froakie gets injured and Ash brings him to Professor Sycamore, self-explanatory, he is a Pokémon professor. In the next episode, Froakie heals and Team Rocket appears again, this time, they cause a Garchomp to be hostile to people. Ash saves the Pokémon with the help of Froakie and Pikachu. (Yes, a classic, isn't it?) Before that, the professor briefly talks about Mega Evolution, which basically means a Pokémon can evolve in battle temporarily, but then goes back to the previous evolution. As Ash saves Garchomp, the floor collapses under Pikachu and like Ash; he jumps after him, which is basically suicide and stuff like that. But Ash never dies that easily, so a Mega Blaziken (Mega meaning Mega Evolved) catches them and puts them on the floor. After a day, they sleep and in the morning, the professor gives Ash a Pokédex. As Ash prepares to leave, Froakie wants to go with Ash, and Ash allows and does his weird pose when he catches another Pokémon. I'm going to leave it at that, the episodes are great so far and I recommend this show to everyone. My laptop's battery is dying so see you soon.

Sunday, October 27, 2013

Sunday, October 27, 2013: Wordle

Here's this word thing I made with Wordle for my blog. It's a bit big. I'm sorry.

Sunday, October 27, 2013: Power Outage

So, today, while I was watching television at around 7:15 PM, something happened. We lost power. Everything went down in our house. That continued for 30 more minutes and power came back at around 7:45 PM. I really wished it could have stayed for at least until this morning, but that would mean that I wouldn't be able to call anyone because I didn't charge my cell phone. Whatever. I also watched a YouTube video and it talked about farts and stuff like that. I'm sure you could find it if you try. The channel is Vsauce. I also started watching Rozen Maiden from the very start, even though I've watched it very often. Well, bye?

Saturday, October 26, 2013

Saturday, October 26, 2013: Problems

This sure sucked, because when I was installing that thing, it said it needed this thing called .NET Framework 2.0. Ugh, this install and uninstall thing is getting on my nerves. Let me download it now. Well, bye again.

Saturday, October 26, 2013: McDonald's

This may seem surprising or maybe even creepy, I'm at McDonald's. Well, the food was pretty terrible there, but what seems to be attracting customers is the free Wi-Fi, air conditioning, and one dollar coffees and drinks. I guess that's what attracted me. It is pretty unhealthy to eat here too, so it sucks. I don't seem to be getting any fatter or skinnier, so it's a tie. (NOT a "win-win.") Oh, and I downloaded the RPG Maker VX Ace Lite thing. It's basically an RPG maker. (role playing game, anyone?) So, yeah. Okay. I don't know why I'm even blogging here. It sucks, a lot. But whatever, I had no choice anyway. I wanted to try blogging somewhere other that home, which is what I did with all my other posts, if you didn't know that. (Ha.) Well then, I'm going to install that RPG thing now. See you, maybe.

Thursday, October 24, 2013

Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Wednesday, October 16, 2013: Sorry For Not Posting Recently...

Hey viewers of this lame blog, I am so sorry I didn't get the time to post updates for more than a week. I have been busy procrastinating and taking lots of tests. Well, I had a French test, and I did okay, and I recently had a science test. I probably did badly on that one. Maybe that's just my opinion... It's getting late, so bye.

Saturday, October 5, 2013

Saturday, October 5, 2013: Just Too Much

 I went to Chinese school like any other day. Also, I have lots of English homework too. Great, just when I wanted to watch lots of anime. But whatever, I'll finish all of it. It's better than procrastinating, right? Post here later. Bye.

Thursday, October 3, 2013

Thursday, October 3, 2013: Double Post

Anyways, I've also watched Moyashimon. It's another anime; anyways, even though it ended for a while, I'm still watching the second season. Okay, so I think this is the end of the blog post. Bye...

Thursday, October 3, 2013: Constant Posting

I can't believe I'm blogging so much.This is just interesting. I think you should leave a comment so I actually know who's reading my blog. Well, I finished all my homework early. Now what? I blog like crazy. This is a terrible blog though. Today at school, we had to do the PACER FitnessGram test. Well, in our case, not a test, but more of a practice test so we'd know what we would have to do. I started failing early because, I don't know. Bye for now. Wait for a SECOND POST.

Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Wednesday, October 2, 2013: Stories and Fun

Nothing big happened, but today I did get to see a counselor. It was kind of fun, I guess. We talked about some bullies and my procrastination. Yes, I said procrastination. My previous post should give you some information. Also, I signed up for this writing contest in November called the NaNoWriMo. Since I am still considered a pre-teen, I had to sign up for the Young Writers Program that branched out. I guess that's okay. I'm going to write a zombie story, like always. I am hoping to post many short stories and pieces of writing here, all made by me. Let's see if we can get a good story right now.

Test of Courage
I ran towards that abandoned house and slowly walked inside. I saw a closet that seemed to protect me somewhat, and I went inside. It was dark there, but I could see what was coming at me. It screamed and laughed. I kept quiet.

"Where are you..." she shouted with her piercing voice.

"Come out and walk to the park with me!" She screamed.

I didn't budge, knowing what would happen to me if I did. It wouldn't turn out to be something beautiful. It would be something that would make you throw up even if you glanced at it. I needed to be brave. I needed to find something that can kill. I looked carefully. I saw a kitchen knife, probably left there in case someone wanted to rob the house. I'm really close now, just need to see where she is--- RIGHT BEHIND ME. I had one shot at this.

"Hello, friend! Want to have a TEA PARTY WITH ME?!" she screeched.

Almost there, One. Two. THREE.
I jabbed the knife as hard as I could into her skull.

"The pleasure's all mine. Have a sip of your blood." I laughed.

I was safe, at least for now. That thing, well, zombie, well not zombie, well a talking zombie. I was so close to getting my body and brains ripped apart. I don't know why a teenager like me would have to go through this apocalypse. I guess I just have to deal with it.

(End of short passage.)

That was a terrible story. I could've done better. Anyways, here's an excerpt of my latest project called Red Blood. It's a series of books. This is the first one. I haven't exactly thought about a good title, but I have an idea.

We went back to class to hear another boring lecture about zombies until suddenly, a middle aged parent came barging in with blood all over her face and shirt. She made a screeching sound like the sound if you hit the brakes. Then outside, we heard people screaming. The woman continued walking and locked her eyes, or what’s left of it, on me. She slowly shambled near me and then I took out my gun and fired. Blood was slowly pooling. I peered outside through the window to see the school was filled with hordes of zombies. They were fighting with the students and teachers that were outside, and one by one, the students and teachers get devoured by the zombies. I told Amanda we were leaving class early. We walked slowly towards the forest.

Prologue – Last Week
                “Hey, we’ve got to get to school! Pack your backpack, or we’ll be late!” Amanda screamed.

                “Okay, you can go to school without me, I’m ditching school, today; after all, there’s not much to learn anymore,” I sighed.

                “What do you think’s going to happen there, a zombie apocalypse?” I laughed.

                “Come on, you’ve got to go to school, after what happened with Kalerie, she’ll never forgive me. The only person close to replacing her is you so you’ve got to go to school or else…” she thinks hard.

                “What?” I asked.

                “Or else I’m staying right here with you, because well, it’s a secret,” she whispered.

                “Okay, you always say that.” I smirked.

                So stubborn, I thought to myself. Why does she rather ditch school to be with me? Enough of that, what would we both do now? The house is empty with food and there was nothing to do. Lately, I’ve been sleeping at her house and we ate all the food. It’s nice she allowed me to live there so I had to help.

                “Go find us some food to eat and I’ll think of something for to do,” I demanded.

                “Fine,” she called.

                She left and I needed to think of what to do. I go outside and look around and I see a television on the neighbor’s sidewalk. I pick it up and attached the television cords to the house and I attempted to turn the television on. It surprisingly worked. I glance at the clock and it’s already 5 PM. What’s taking her so long? I saunter outside and on the left side, I see Amanda and food. I sighed.

                “Got you some food so what do you have for entertainment?” she hinted.

                “See the table over there, what do you see?” I yawned.

                “A television, how did you get one? Does it actually work? Here’s that dinner,” she offered.

                “Yes, I assure you, it works. I can even show you, see?” I turn on the television.

                “Wow, it does work! Smart at gadgets like always, Jake,” she giggled.

                “After all that talking, let’s eat!” I shouted.

                After dinner, we took some of our time to watch some comedy shows on the television and the most important thing that happened was that unbelievable zombie apocalypse on the news.

                “Zombie apocalypse on the news?” she thought out loud.

                After a while, I started to understand what she was talking about.

                “No… No… This is a scam. It has to be!” I screamed.

 (End of excerpt.)

That was pretty good, I guess. Maybe I'll write another post today. But that chance is low. Take your time and read my stories if you want to. They're probably terrible though, so please bear with me. Bye for now. I'm pretty sure I'll post tomorrow.

Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Tuesday, October 1, 2013: Homework Explosion

Guess what? I had lots of homework today. I had to color and label a map of Italy. Then, I had to measure some lines for science. Then... I had to do French homework. It took me four hours to finish it! Also, there's more homework! Right now, I'm procrastinating, and going to do my mathematics homework tomorrow. Let me share with you the theme song of Chi's Sweet Home called "Ouchi Ga Ichiban."
 I think this is one of my favorite anime songs of all time! Maybe you'd also like the Rozen Maiden series. I think the one below is a full episode. I'm pretty sure it's season one.
The one below is called Dog and Scissors, another one of my favorite anime shows. Watch it if you have time. It has 13 episodes in total and this is the first one. Well, bye?
*Edit: This is most likely the 2nd episode. The 1st one was deleted because of copyright. Sorry!*

Friday, September 27, 2013

Friday, September 27, 2013: Another Blog Post, Ugh...

Well, let's start us off with this mysterious thing, I had to go to the... (I'm going to write the first letter of every word because this is a secret.) C B I S H S. I T I L A S. W, I D W I S. A, N H T M. I H A C M, B T O. I A H. (End of secret.) You might be able to guess out a few words, but ok. A hint, it's about something bad and terrible. Today, I watched episode 13 of Rozen Maiden Zurückspulen. I think it's okay. I also think the show's ending. I hope it doesn't end here, because it's a cliffhanger. Whatever... I have to do Chinese homework now. I don't know why I still post here. By the end of this year, my goal is to have at least 20 posts. It's going to be difficult, but I'll try to post some, here and there, even though sometimes it's only a few sentences. Today, I also had to present my book to the class. It's called DEWEY, by Vicki Myron. It's about this cat that was stuffed inside a book return slot on a cold day at Spencer Public Library in Iowa. It's a nice book and I highly recommend you read it. I can't believe how much I'm typing today. I'm going to have to start a new paragraph! What an accomplishment!

Today, I want to talk back about my science camp in 6th grade. It was at this place called Mount Hermon. Apparently, it's a Christian conference site. I had lots of fun there. I remember my cabin had Nathan, Neil, Victor, Leonard, Joshua, and Ayush. I think I forgot the last person in the cabin, who could it be...? I can't remember. We had a night walk and also a skit. We also had to draw about an endangered animal. Our cabin was the kit fox. I miss those four days. I can't believe I actually could survive without calling or texting anyone. Well, someday, I might be able to do there. For your information, I'm not Christian, the camp is, but I'm not. I'm an atheist. I don't believe in any gods and never will without scientific proof. One last thing before I go. I'm growing alpine strawberries and they are so cool! I get at least 3 strawberries every week, now. I bought this for 4 dollars in Napa. Well, bye until my next post. Maybe I'll post one tomorrow.

Monday, September 23, 2013

Monday, September 9, 2013

Monday, September 9, 2013: More Anime Craze

It's crazy, I watch anime so much these days... Also, I finished this map homework yesterday and some other homework. I wonder who could be reading these boring and drab posts? Well, I don't have very much to share. But look at this anime called Chi's Sweet Home. I watched all of it. It's touching and interesting and gross all at the same time.

Maybe I'll add more if I feel like it. More posts. Hi? You should email me at my email, which is, Bye, I guess for now... No really, bye.

Thursday, September 5, 2013

Thursday, September 5, 2013: It's ALMOST Friday

I had French class today and it was interesting. We played this game of clapping and snapping that involves you knowing the one to twenty numbers. In reality, I only know one to ten, so I was hoping for a number in that range. Luckily, I got ONLY the numbers in the range. 

Friday, August 30, 2013

Friday, August 30, 2013: First Impressions

On my first day of school a few days ago, I had a great time meeting my teachers there. Surprisingly, I had homework on the very first day. Today, I finally borrowed some books from the library. It was terrible. The substitute librarian was probably in a terrible mood. Maybe even abused in her childhood. You know what happened? First, I picked three books from the shelves. Then, I checked the books out and the due date was September 22, 2013. After that, there was a stamp to stamp the date on it. It was a few days off so I changed it back. During the period I did that, the librarian was furious that I was changing the date. It went something like this, "Hey, young man. Hey! HEY! LOOK AT ME! DO NOT CHANGE THE DATE, IT WAS ON THE RIGHT DATE." Then, "The date was wrong, it was on another date and not the 22nd of September." Finally, she checked and stopped talking. Many teachers are arrogant and think they're always right. The classic phrase, "The teacher is always right, and the student is to learn from their mistakes because when they challenge a teacher, they are always wrong." Teachers, if you are reading this, think about you're behavior towards children and teenagers. This may seem offensive, but I'm speaking from my personal opinion and what has been happening currently. For those teachers who understand, thanks and sorry for being so offensive. Also, this DOES NOT APPLY TO ALL TEACHERS; I've had great ones who have cared, a lot.  I'll be posting less often and usually on the weekends.

Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Wednesday, August 21, 2013: Anime Craze

Come to think of it, I also like the anime Dog and Scissors. The show in the first post was Rozen Maiden Zurückspulen. Right now, I'm starting the anime Campione! and I think it is great so far. I hope they don't fail and make the anime terribly boring. This is one of the shortest posts I have ever made. Summer's going to be over so I'm going to end the blog post here.

Monday, August 19, 2013

Monday, August 19, 2013: School Supplies

It's another day, I guess. I had to buy school supplies and it was difficult. The thing was that it wanted us to buy notebooks that have three holes but no perforation. They don't usually ask for that and I couldn't find any in the entire store of the Walmart I went to. But logically of course they would only have the perforated ones because more is better but the school doesn't think so. Continuing from yesterday, I recommend you sign up on Crunchyroll and get an account because they have most of the latest anime. If you can't sign up for premium, search for your anime on Google by typing {anime name} episode {number}. That's where I watch most of my anime. There doesn't seem to be much to watch on television at 8:00 PM. There is not much to do right now. This is such a boring blog isn't it? Guess this blog post is over now.

Sunday, August 18, 2013

Sunday, August 18, 2013: Night

It's 10:44 PM and it's my first day of trying to be serious with blogging. Let's talk about my summer. It didn't go very well. my friends went on vacation it seems, but I didn't want one, of course. So the first week, I was pretty much free with gaming and so on. Then came my classes and I actually learned, a lot. I had CPR, algebra, and biotechnology, but they called it something so long it was impossible to retain all of it. During those days, I often ate at fast-food restaurants. Eventually, I played so much on the gaming consoles that my parents took them away. Predictable. I also started sleeping late and waking up late. I wonder how I'm going to wake up at 7:00 AM in the morning once school starts next week. During the entire summer, most of it was watching anime. I started the summer with Death Note, PoyoPoyo Kansatsu Nikki, and Pokemon: Best Wishes: Dekorora Adventure, or known as Pokemon: Adventures in Unova and BEYOND in the United States. I currently watch Rozen Maiden Zur---- something. I need to look that up. I also finished BTOOOM!, Sword Art Online, and Angel Beats. Out of all of them, I like the Rozen Maiden series the most. After all, I have watched the entire series and every episode so far. On Wednesday, I'll have to go to school to turn in some forms. I highly recommend you people watch BTOOOM! and Sword Art Online and all the other ones above. They're all great anime shows. Come to think of it, I also watched Chi's Sweet Home and Chi's New Address. I keep forgetting what I watch. Guess my first blog post has come to an end. My parents are rushing me to go take a shower and sleep, again. Tip of the Day (or maybe night): Owning a pet might be a good decoy for zombies.