Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Tuesday, October 29, 2013: It's Taking Forever

Now, I'm right here doing homework at home. It's homework again. I'm doing this workbook chapter about "The Spread of Islam." So, I'm bored. I'm getting off-task already. What do I do about it? I blog. Yes, I blog. So, it's 4:42 PM now and I'm going to continue my homework. I'm going to pause this blog post for a few minutes. Ok, finished with the workbook and time... 4:52 PM! A new record, well, not exactly, but pretty fast, I guess. Now, on to the next one. French textbook thing, let's see, page 103, number 4. Ok, let me check the textbook now. Done with the French and the time, 5:13 PM. Good, it's all great. Just have mathematics homework left. I'm going to try not to procrastinate. Let's go. Ok, I am finished with all my homework, it's 5:45 PM now, so that took me... (calculating...) 53 minutes total. Whoa. That was less than expected. Great. Ok, so, that was okay, but I still wish Mondays wouldn't be so much of a problem. 4+ hours of homework compared to less than an hour on other days; that's just not very consistent. I wish homework would be more fun than it is now, but it's hard to do that. Maybe someone someday will create customized homework for every student based on their performance. Anyways, I'll post something soon. Bye.

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