Monday, October 28, 2013

Monday, October 28, 2013: Finished

Today, I completed all my homework. It took me about 4 hours, but that's common for Mondays. Usually I have two of these long homework days every week and every other day is about, let's see, 2 hours. It's normal for junior high, I guess. It kind of sucks, always having so much homework that I don't get to have my own time for things like watching anime shows. It sort of ruins your life and makes your life slowly become a routine. It's not good, but what can I do? I'm not a parent, an adult, or a teacher. I'm just another normal student. Teachers won't listen to our "garbage," but they don't exactly know how we feel. But I guess it's for the better, because most students are just plain lazy, but I don't feel I'm that lazy. After I'm 2 to 3 hours into homework, I start to lose focus. Now, once again, my parents are screaming at me for not taking a shower and talking back. I wasn't talking back. I am so sure that that is one of the most over-said phrase by parents. "You're talking back! STOP." your parents said. Ugh. So repetitive and predictable. I give up. I'm leaving! Bye...

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