Friday, August 30, 2013

Friday, August 30, 2013: First Impressions

On my first day of school a few days ago, I had a great time meeting my teachers there. Surprisingly, I had homework on the very first day. Today, I finally borrowed some books from the library. It was terrible. The substitute librarian was probably in a terrible mood. Maybe even abused in her childhood. You know what happened? First, I picked three books from the shelves. Then, I checked the books out and the due date was September 22, 2013. After that, there was a stamp to stamp the date on it. It was a few days off so I changed it back. During the period I did that, the librarian was furious that I was changing the date. It went something like this, "Hey, young man. Hey! HEY! LOOK AT ME! DO NOT CHANGE THE DATE, IT WAS ON THE RIGHT DATE." Then, "The date was wrong, it was on another date and not the 22nd of September." Finally, she checked and stopped talking. Many teachers are arrogant and think they're always right. The classic phrase, "The teacher is always right, and the student is to learn from their mistakes because when they challenge a teacher, they are always wrong." Teachers, if you are reading this, think about you're behavior towards children and teenagers. This may seem offensive, but I'm speaking from my personal opinion and what has been happening currently. For those teachers who understand, thanks and sorry for being so offensive. Also, this DOES NOT APPLY TO ALL TEACHERS; I've had great ones who have cared, a lot.  I'll be posting less often and usually on the weekends.

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