Wednesday, September 16, 2015

September 16, 2015: Aurcus Online

I found an RPG that doesn't seem to lag too much on my phone. I want to play it, but then it gives me the garbage every RPG always gives me: Downloading ADDITIONAL files. Like we already needed any more than 40 MBs of files. Also, I've been feeling sick since this morning. My stomach has been hurting, sort of. Oh well. Anyways, I'm absolutely tired right now. I also don't want to go to 5th period. I have biology. We all know biology sucks (sort of) . I think all classes suck. But I have to learn, right? I've also been having this extreme headache since this morning. Oh, it finally loaded, sort of. I think it crashed. Never mind. Bye then?

Tuesday, September 15, 2015

September 15, 2015: Marp.

This absolutely sucks. I can't be anywhere. Everywhere, there's some creepy person that's really loud that constantly bothers me so much, I want to explode. (But I can't. Right?) mARP. aNYWAYS,  (caps erroererererere) I'm surprised I don't want to even correct this error. But oh well. Looks okay. To me. Sort of. Hmm... Yet another OS event starting today. This sucks. I really don't want to have war again. It's such a hassle to get to wars on time. Not that it matters anymore since the game might shut down, but still, I have to be there because I'm the OL. The pressure sucks! I should get going. I think. Bell will ring... Sadly.

Friday, September 11, 2015

September 11, 2015: ...

So, here I am all alone in the library again. I mean, as in no one here is someone I know. Oh well. I'm just guessing they have their own communities to join. But I guess they have a lot bigger manga selection than in the past schools I've been at... I'll be going now.

Tuesday, September 8, 2015

September 8, 2015: Hmm...

I'm sorry if all the recent titles have been similar. I have no ideas left on new titles. Umm... School hasn't been good. Anyways--- What was I going to say again? I know they have ANOTHER trainer. (Yup. Another one.)  They have no ideas left, do they? I should head towards class soon. The thing that still bothers me--- it's been a year now I think, is that issue with me having to activate my account. Who would force you to do that? They just have to force me to find someone from Japan and ask them about it. (They need a phone number to text you some sort of message.)Trainer events are good, but they end up forcing you to do more and more stuff for the card. You get motivated, then by the end of the event you'll screw up somehow. Yup. They really suck. I should leave in a sec. I know this is really random but, Dell Optiplex 3020. I should just go.

Friday, September 4, 2015

September 4, 2015: LoTD

If you've been following up this blog for a while you should know that LoTD is a very (I'm stressing this a lot) old game that I started playing when it first came out. I lost 4 accounts between then and now.Well. Umm...

Thursday, September 3, 2015

September 3, 2015: Leader

I've probably mentioned this but if I haven't, I somehow ended up being the leader of Anbu. This is amazing. (Thought other members seem to be doubtful. I'm not exactly a senior player.) An upcoming war is coming up so we need to prepare for it. I have no idea how to do that at all. I'm racking up tons of shows I haven't watched. Anime updates but I have so much homework to do. I still didn't finish the poem I'm supposed to do. I also haven't been playing Taiko no Tatsujin. I'm expecting that I can't do Oni anymore. Oh, just found out, they still use iBoss filtering. Oh well. I guess I should try to somehow activate my account for Mobage. They seem to use servers for the computers, with each person having a different account for files. The browsers don't change though, it seems. I need to leave in ten minutes. is the webpage for the login of the filter. I'm also wondering how to login to wifi. They ask for some sort of login and I have no idea what type of login. I get really tired after I get home. It's the school. It sucks. It's so energy consuming.