Wednesday, January 28, 2015

January 28, 2015: There's More!

Just made this image. Kind of interesting, is it not? Kind of got this idea from something, but let's skip that. Don't you just love this? (Psst. Don't lie to yourself, I know you don't like it.) Well. I was hoping for a more interesting design, however. There seems to be an ROB event starting today. It should have started. I'm not sure. If you're still not sure what ROB is, it does not mean rob. There's a reason it is in all caps. ROB is Rage of Bahamut. Or a game I play. I guess I should put RoB but too bad. That's how I like it. I'm really excited for something. It seems these days we are connected way to closely through social networking and gadgets. It's really sad not seeing people face to face. Also, people who text and drive or do anything on their phones suck. Every day I see people do that. Like, why. Isn't it illegal?

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