Monday, January 26, 2015

January 26, 2015: Goals... Goals... Goals...

Now that it is second semester time, I've decided that I'll go for a 4.0 GPA. I know, sounds like a lot of effort and extra credit right? You're completely correct. I do terrifying work for most of the classes I'm in. Some, I don't bother to even do it at all. Which is one of the big reasons why I failed to be a good student all these years. Oh well. That's just terrible. I really feel terrible. But I have a feeling I'll revert to my old self soon, which is no good. No good whatsoever. Well, I wish I could type faster than I'm am typing right now. It seems that we have margin questions due sometime soon, which will be some other issue I have. The issue, you see, is that the questions are just itty-bitty short ones, but then, you have tons of them. We are reading the play version of "The Diary of Anne Frank," and it, is not short at all. I remember having the feeling, "Why do I even bother..." Also, this HIRIS small computer, I got enough referrals somehow. (Somehow meaning I'm not going to reveal why or how. Let's keep it a mystery folks!) It seems to be pretty shady. Oh, just checked. The contest seems to be over. I expect to receive this weird gadget by October. I hope somehow it works. It looks pretty cool and it has Wi-Fi built into it. Possibly I can use this as a watch. However it seems to have tons more features that I don't need. But free is free, and when a $194+ smart-something is shoved in your face, who won't take it? (I know a few, but that's isn't the point here.) Now then. I feel like this it useless. Oh well. I'll just leave it at that. Bye~

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