Tuesday, January 27, 2015

January 27, 2015: Lost Items, Woot.

Isn't that great. I lost something today. Well, it was predicted. At least by me. Since my friends were playing with those neodymium magnets, they somehow managed to lose three of them. I found two, but the last one? I have no idea where it went. It couldn't have gone far from the area that we always sit in, but then again, people always sit anywhere. Since that thing is round, it also could have rolled off somewhere or someone could've picked it up also. In that case, oh well. I expect some compensation. Well who would pay me freaking two dollars? Nobody would. But the cost for me to get another one and the shipping cost would easily reach two dollars. Just so you know. Well, it is useless to be figuring this out now since this issue has somewhat passed and I wouldn't want to make more enemies that I actually need to. Well, somehow I got sick. Well. Not good. Since I feel like nothing. Yet I feel something. That something is empty though. But if something is empty, then what is that something? Is that something nothing at all? Then would it still be called nothing or something? Which one is it? Gosh. That was a completely useless comment I made there. I wish to do nothing. I am sick. I need sleep. My eyes are drooping. Well. This TypeRacer thing is kind of cool. Though it seems I am a pretty slow typer. You know my friend types so much faster than I do. I really am tired of everything.

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