Monday, March 10, 2014

Monday, March 10, 2014:SPECIAL POST: Ugh... Daylight Savings

So, I'm at school again. It's 7:50 AM, or it was once 6:50... which is why I feel like I woke up in the middle of the night. Great, I might sleep in classes or something. Also, R2Games has made a new game called, "Zombies Ate My Pizza!" I think I spelled that right. This isn't the reason I'm in the library though. I didn't finish my rough draft for an essay, and it's due, TODAY. Why do I procrastinate... Also, I think I'm close to reaching 36,000 BR for Eternal Saga. A problem that's also bugging me is dandruff. I know, it's gross. I have it myself. Those white flakes are SO annoying. Back on topic, join my forum! Whenever you go on a gaming website, it's automatically blocked, which is annoying when you are only using it for research or something. It's 8:00 AM, and almost time to go to class. When I get home, I'll  be very eager to play ZAMP, since I have nothing else to do, other than homework and a French project that's due tomorrow. (Make a page for a clothing shop.) Also, there's 2 more weeks until the end of Log Horizon! If you haven't watched it, you have to! It's very interesting. But later on into the anime, it becomes a classic love story. Which I don't really like, but maybe you would. Why am I not stopping? You know what... bye. No really, BYE. ALL CAPS MEANS I'M SCREAMING. That's funny. Well then, see you after school...?

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