Friday, March 7, 2014

Friday, March 7, 2014: SPECIAL POST: @ School~

Hi, this may seem pretty weird to you guys, but I'm blogging today at school. It's 11:41 AM here right now, and daylight savings time is almost starting... I have to wake up 1 hour earlier. Great. Hint, I did something with this post today! Anyways, I'm watching Log Horizon and it's going to release another episode today or tomorrow. I'm so excited~* (*Didn't really know what word to use, but that seemed right.) What episode is it now? I think it was around the 24-30 episode. Maybe I'm right. Also, it seems like the school wired connection to the internet is pretty fast. I'm surprised. But thinking about it again, not so surprised, since if it wasn't fast enough, the entire school website and other servers would shut down and that wouldn't be very good. Meeple. What else should I say...? Well, I leveled up in Eternal Saga, so that's an achievement. I don't know if I said that before. I'm close to leveling up again. Yay...? Now, people are staring at me and looking at how fast I type here. Is it not normal to type this fast? I'm kind of rushing already, because there's French club today. So I was hoping to go over there. She said people had detention in her class today, which is why French club is still open, for this week at least. That's nice. How long is this post today? *sighs* I need to type more! More! More! Hmm... what to type... Oh! I forgot my lunch money and didn't bring a lunch, so I'm kind of starving today. That's good, since I'm trying to lose weight so much... The computers at school are Intel i3 and use Windows 7. Pretty fast... It's now 11:50 AM, it took me 10 minutes to type that? Cool? That's kind of slow if I think about it. I'll type faster next time... Maybe... Let's make a poem~

Derpy-Derp Derp,
Derp-Derpy Derp Derp,
De-Derp Derped Derp.

That probably wasn't a real poem at all. OMG. Why am I using texting lingos? I don't know at all. I'm going to leave now... It's 11:54 AM, by the way, if you want to be so precise and know what's happening right now. (I'm in the library~)

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