Friday, September 27, 2013

Friday, September 27, 2013: Another Blog Post, Ugh...

Well, let's start us off with this mysterious thing, I had to go to the... (I'm going to write the first letter of every word because this is a secret.) C B I S H S. I T I L A S. W, I D W I S. A, N H T M. I H A C M, B T O. I A H. (End of secret.) You might be able to guess out a few words, but ok. A hint, it's about something bad and terrible. Today, I watched episode 13 of Rozen Maiden Zurückspulen. I think it's okay. I also think the show's ending. I hope it doesn't end here, because it's a cliffhanger. Whatever... I have to do Chinese homework now. I don't know why I still post here. By the end of this year, my goal is to have at least 20 posts. It's going to be difficult, but I'll try to post some, here and there, even though sometimes it's only a few sentences. Today, I also had to present my book to the class. It's called DEWEY, by Vicki Myron. It's about this cat that was stuffed inside a book return slot on a cold day at Spencer Public Library in Iowa. It's a nice book and I highly recommend you read it. I can't believe how much I'm typing today. I'm going to have to start a new paragraph! What an accomplishment!

Today, I want to talk back about my science camp in 6th grade. It was at this place called Mount Hermon. Apparently, it's a Christian conference site. I had lots of fun there. I remember my cabin had Nathan, Neil, Victor, Leonard, Joshua, and Ayush. I think I forgot the last person in the cabin, who could it be...? I can't remember. We had a night walk and also a skit. We also had to draw about an endangered animal. Our cabin was the kit fox. I miss those four days. I can't believe I actually could survive without calling or texting anyone. Well, someday, I might be able to do there. For your information, I'm not Christian, the camp is, but I'm not. I'm an atheist. I don't believe in any gods and never will without scientific proof. One last thing before I go. I'm growing alpine strawberries and they are so cool! I get at least 3 strawberries every week, now. I bought this for 4 dollars in Napa. Well, bye until my next post. Maybe I'll post one tomorrow.

Monday, September 23, 2013

Monday, September 9, 2013

Monday, September 9, 2013: More Anime Craze

It's crazy, I watch anime so much these days... Also, I finished this map homework yesterday and some other homework. I wonder who could be reading these boring and drab posts? Well, I don't have very much to share. But look at this anime called Chi's Sweet Home. I watched all of it. It's touching and interesting and gross all at the same time.

Maybe I'll add more if I feel like it. More posts. Hi? You should email me at my email, which is, Bye, I guess for now... No really, bye.

Thursday, September 5, 2013

Thursday, September 5, 2013: It's ALMOST Friday

I had French class today and it was interesting. We played this game of clapping and snapping that involves you knowing the one to twenty numbers. In reality, I only know one to ten, so I was hoping for a number in that range. Luckily, I got ONLY the numbers in the range.